- Indian Health Service: Environmental Assessment for Whiteriver Replacement Hospital and Staff Quarters at White Mountain Apache Tribe Indian Reservation, Arizona
- Indian Health Service: Environmental Assessment for Northeast Ambulatory Care Center Sewer Reroute at Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, Scottsdale, Arizona
- BLM: Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area Recreation Area Management Plan and Environmental Assessment, Newport, Oregon
- BLM: O'Neill PPA Vegetation Treatment Environmental Assessment, Nevada
- BLM: Sagebrush Ecosystem Management Environmental Assessment, Nevada
- USFS: Wallow West Prescribed Fire Environmental Assessment - Apache Sitgreaves National Forest, Arizona
- USFWS: Designation of Critical Habitat for Western DPS of the Yellow-Billed Cuckoo Environmental Assessment
- USFS Mendocino National Forest
Forest-Wide Fire and Fuels NEPA
- USBR Lahontan Basin Area Office
Operational Criteria and Procedures (OCAP) Revision Plan Formulation Facilitation for waters of the Truckee River and the Newlands Project, near Pyramid Lake, Nevada
sPower constructed three photovoltaic solar plants that generate 162 MW for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, near Bakersfield, California. DockIt provided Project Management Assistance.
Tucson Electric Power 500kV Transmission Line crosses a San Carlos Irrigation Project Canal in Coolidge, Arizona. The San Carlos Irrigation Project is under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
The Bureau of Land Management is preparing a Recreation Area Management Plan and Environmental Assessment for the Yaquina Head Outstanding Natural Area, Newport, Oregon. DockIt assisted the BLM in the public participation process, and preparation of the EA.
- Tucson Electric Power - Rio Rico to Harshaw 138kV Transmission Line - prepare the CEC application, assist with public outreach, comment tracking
- Tucson Electric Power - Kino to DMP 138kV Transmission Line - prepare the CEC application, comment tracking
- Tucson Electric Power - Irvington to Kino 138 kV Transmission Line
Power plant and line siting assistance; preparation of Certificate of Environmental Compatibility for Arizona Corporation Commission
- Tucson Electric Power - Sonoran to Wilmot Energy Center 138 kV Transmission Line
Power plant and line siting assistance; preparation of Certificate of Environmental Compatibility for Arizona Corporation Commission
- Tucson Electric Power - Irvington Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine generating system and 138kV transmission line extension: Power plant and line siting assistance; preparation of Certificate of Environmental Compatibility for Arizona Corporation Commission
- Tucson Electric Power - Pinal Central to Tortolita 500kV Transmission Line - Project & Agency Coordination, Environmental Assessment (BIA, BOR), Permitting (BIA, BOR) for all aerial crossings of the 50 mile long 500 kV transmission line in Arizona
- sPower Beacon Solar - 162 MW solar generation project, Kern County, CA Project Management Assistance
- Arizona Water Company Pinal Valley Recharge Facility - BIA SCIP Canal Encroachment Permit and NEPA compliance
- SunZia Southwest Transmission Line Project (AZ, NM): Permitting and land right assistance (BIA, BOR) for all aerial crossings of the 520 mile long 500 kV transmission line in Arizona and New Mexico
- Arcadian Infracom Long Haul Fiber
Due diligence and feasibility report for 145 miles of long haul fiber installation.
- Daggett Solar Project permitting assistance
- Mississippi: Wildflower Solar Project project management and railroad crossing permitting assistance